Subject Pronouns
Pronome é a palavra que substitui ou determina o nome. Classificam-se em pessoais, possessivos, demonstrativos, indefinidos, interrogativos e relativos. Os pronomes pessoais retos são usados como sujeito da oração, ocupando a posição antes do verbo em inglês. São eles: I (eu), you(você, tu), he (ele), she (ela), it(ele, ela), we(nós), they(eles):
I am a teacher.
You are Brazilian.
He is a doctor.
She likes him.
It is blue.
We are hungry.
They are intelligent.
São sempre expressos, exceto em frases imperativas. I é sempre escrito com letra maiúscula e o pronome neutro it é usado:
a) Para coisa ou animal quando não há afetividade: The dog is beautiful. It is white.
b) Para expressar tempo e medida: It’s ten o’clock. – It’s 30 miles to London.
The Verb To Be
É um dos verbos mais usados na língua inglesa. Serve para descrever ou dar informação sobre algo ou alguma coisa. Nesse sentido equivale aos verbos ser e estar do português. No entanto, pode apresentar muitos outros sentidos dependendo do contexto: existir, ter, dever, etc. Apresenta a seguinte conjugação/estrutura:
Conjugação do verbo to be no simple present | ||
Positive | Negative | Interrogative |
I am | I am not | Am I? |
You are | You are not | Are you? |
He is | He is not | Is he? |
She is | She is not | Is she? |
It is | It is not | Is it? |
We are | We are not | Are we? |
You are | You are not | Are you? |
They are | They are not | Are they? |
Como é possível perceber, as perguntas são feitas mediante a inversão do verbo e do sujeito enquanto as negativas são feitas apenas com o acréscimo da palavra not:
I am a student. Are you a student too?
They are happy.
She is an intelligent girl.
Is it ok with you?
It isn’t cold today.
We are not at home now.
Contractions: São junções entre os pronomes pessoais e um verbo (no caso to be) ou outras palavras, usadas geralmente na fala, na linguagem coloquial/informal:
Positive | Negative |
I am = I’m | I’m not |
You are = You’re | You’re not ou You aren’t |
He is = He’s | He’s not ou He isn’t |
She is = She’s | She’s not ou She isn’t |
It is = It’s | It’s not ou It isn’t |
We are = We’re | We’re not ou We aren’t |
You are = You’re | You’re not ou You aren’t |
They are = They’re | They’re not ou They aren’t |
Come on little boy, you aren’t brave enough to do it.
She isn’t a good girl.
That’s a good idea!
How’s it going?
What´s your name?
1. O verbo there to be (haver, existir) tem apenas duas formas there is para o singular e there are para o plural. There is not (there isn’t) e there are not (there aren’t) são usados para as formas negativas e is there? Are there? para as interrogativas:
There is a book on the table. (Há um livro sobre a mesa)
There are many books on the table. (Há muitos livros sobre a mesa)
There isn’t any bread.
There aren’t mountains in Nauru.
Is there a cat under the sofa?
Are there big cities in The Philippines?
2. Ao se referir a idade, use sempre o verbo to be:
She´s 19 years old.
I´m in my sixties.
I. Substitua as palavras em itálico por pronomes com função de sujeito:
The university is very large.
My sister is in the United States.
The doorbell is ringing.
Her scholarship is good.
The postman is late.
The students are taking English lessons.
The letters are in German.
Her brother speaks English very well.
The dog is barking.
II. Complete with the correct form of the verb to be:
She __________not home now.
______ you from France?
Where _______ he from?
How ______ they?
I ______not a student. I ______ a teacher.
The pens ______black.
The books ______not on the table. They _____under it.
The cat and the dog ________good friends.
Susan and I ________in love.
This car _______made in Thailand.
______there boys in the room?
The wine ________delicious.
Carrots and Potatoes _______vegetables.
How old _____Julia Roberts?
_____there a tv set in the kitchen?
______there any cookies in the box?
10 comentários:
e as respostas??
Excelente Lession Digital Teacher !!
Don't complain man! You will get it one day too. Hahahahaha
Gostei muito das dicas e atividades. São bem claras e fáceis de aprender.
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